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  • Peggy Sue

Q&A with Pierre-Elie Anglade

Charming and French born, Restaurant Manager Pierre-Elie Anglade shares what inspires him and his passion for great wine and dining experiences.

How many years have you worked in the hospitality industry? I grew up in an old winemaking family. I have been surrounded all my childhood by vine.... My Grandad gave me the passion for this industry. However, I started to work in this industry when I was 23 years old, so 17 years, now you know how old am I…

What inspired you to join the hospitality industry? I love to make people special by offering them a unique experience. There is a lot to share in this industry. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others'', Mahatma Gandhi - I completely agree with this quote.

What is your favourite dish & why? I love clean food. Uncomplicated dish but premium products sourced from sustainable agriculture. From my Grandad, I learnt to respect the people who grow food, so when I eat I always think of the people behind the ingredients.

What is your favourite drink & why? Of course, wine. Simply because wine has the power to put you out of your comfort zone. There are so many variables behind it, which makes you realise that you do not know anything. Wine on top of that, for me means sharing and there is always a lot to share.

What do you do for fun? I look after my family and enjoy growing my veggies and fruit in the most sustainable technique.

Any other information about yourself? I am passionate about life in general...

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